Saturday, September 5, 2009


Don't ever start anything that you don't plan on doing for the rest of your (or his) life. EXAMPLE:
Fixing a hot breakfast. After 40 years I'm still hearing about it. Or, washing the car or mowing the lawn...... DON'T DO IT!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

HOT OFF THE PRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You may already recognize the gray bald head on the left, but please direct your attention to the cute gray kitty on the right. He is our newest addition(thanks Kim and Steve) Sgt. Grayson Fitzgerald ("Sarge" or "Fitzy"). He is well accepted and has become a part of our family almost overnight. I think that Maryann and I can officially be referred to as those, those "Cat people".
Anyway, it is always customary to send the "new arrival" a present welcoming him/her to the family. Sgt. Fitzy has requested that all gifts be in the form of cash. (to cover Vet bills, etc.)
Let's all give a big Barr Family welcome to Sgt. Fitzgerald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!